Biomass power stations are the best way to secure large scale heating and electric power well into and after Brexit. Around 30% of GB’s electrical energy is secured from Europe via interconnectors in Belgium and France.

Purchase of electricity is in Euro’s so, as we disengage with Europe, and foreign exchanges take their toll on the sterling rates as we have seen in the past year, it is inevitable that electricity prices will rise. All the large energy providers have announced large increases this year alone, around 15% was the norm.

Exchange rates are only part of the problem. Whilst Westminster has made a commitment to aim for electric cars in the near future, the National Grid has outlined the challenges faced by that. If everyone changed as the government desire to electric vehicles the electricity grid cannot cope. Major reinforcement has to be paid for to allow the Westminster aspirations to happen. Not good news for the customers who have to pay for it.

Our company are highly skilled in these roles have a firm grasp of tri-generation technology developed with Tesco PLC as well as renewable Heating and cooling technology for the UK car retail giant Lookers PLC as KPMG found out during one phase of a client’s research into a 1.8Mwe biomass power station held in KPMG’s Belfast office with their leading Renewables Director.
Westminster in their drive towards achieving Carbon reduction targets have been reducing the RHI on large, medium and small scale biomass, whilst fixing long term tariff’s for CHP stations. Movement of funds towards larger scheme’s where they can assist the National Grid in diversifying power generation and alleviating balancing issues that will be faced in the future, is clear.


Setting down clear tariff mechanisms and pre-accreditation means investors need not take major risks with multimillion pound scheme’s before they are sure of the repayment values. 

Biomass Power Station

BSH can provide this role to clients. They set out the capex spend, the income streams, the engineering needed, the professional team behind it bring everything needed to deliver the project from concept to commissioning and even beyond into management and running of the plant.

These schemes are not for the average business, they require a high expenditure typically of the magnitude of £500,000 annually on energy be that electricity, oil or natural gas as well as a need for heating and or high temperature steam use in building heating and cooling, freezing or process manufacturing using heat all year round.

BSH take the concept, conduct an audit into the energy use and will derive a basis of success or failure for the business at no charge. Should the scheme seem viable BSH can bring their professional team to bear and conduct a fully concept design allowing that to be taken to the government bodies for accreditation approval.



Typical scheme’s thus far...


Enviro Wales
1.8Mw electric and 8Mw thermal energy hot water


Private PLC Client
10Mw thermal energy in steam and 2.5Mw electrical energy


Aquair / Trojan / Thomas Crapper
.6Mw electrical and 2Mw thermal hot water